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Upaya Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep dan Aktivitas Siswa pada Materi Keanekaragaman Kingdom Plantae di Kelas XC SMAN 4 Pontianak

Diterbitkan di Majalah Ilmiah AL-RIBAATH Vol.9 No.1 Juni 2012
Ditulis oleh: Dwi Novia Mardyanti, Afandi, Ruqiah Ganda Putri Panjaitan

Abstract: This research (Classroom Action Research) has a goal to develop students enquiring concept and students activity at tenth grade student of SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak in learning the diversity of kingdom plantae through reciprocal teaching model. There are two cycles of this research, the first cycle consist of twice meeting, and at second cycle once meeting. Subject of this research is 32 students, consist of 20 females and 12 males. The instruments are objective test in multiple choices which to know students enquiring concept and observation sheet to know students activity. The result showed, at first cycle the average score of the students 64,06 and 67,92 at second cycle. The average percentage of students activity 62,5% in first cycle and 68,5% in second cycle. It concluded that reciprocal teaching model able to improve students enquiring concept and students activity.

Key Words: reciprocal teaching model, lesson of the diversity of kingdom plantae, students enquiring concept, students activity


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